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how much is a 1972 429 4bolt cobra jet block worth.. Just the block and main caps.??? std bore

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how much is a 1972 429 4bolt cobra jet block worth.. Just the block and main caps.??? std bore Empty how much is a 1972 429 4bolt cobra jet block worth.. Just the block and main caps.??? std bore

Post  racinghabbit September 16th 2014, 12:47 pm

how much is a 1972 429 4bolt cobra jet block worth.. Just the block and main caps.??? std bore

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how much is a 1972 429 4bolt cobra jet block worth.. Just the block and main caps.??? std bore Empty Re: how much is a 1972 429 4bolt cobra jet block worth.. Just the block and main caps.??? std bore

Post  DanH September 16th 2014, 4:32 pm

asking 2 times on the forum imakes it twice the value or half the money.
what its worth, is the price your willing to pay


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Join date : 2009-08-06

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how much is a 1972 429 4bolt cobra jet block worth.. Just the block and main caps.??? std bore Empty 650.000

Post  747JetMech September 17th 2014, 1:27 am

I paid 650.00 in California for my block.

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Join date : 2009-08-07

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how much is a 1972 429 4bolt cobra jet block worth.. Just the block and main caps.??? std bore Empty Re: how much is a 1972 429 4bolt cobra jet block worth.. Just the block and main caps.??? std bore

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